
Whatever the size of your donation, it is most welcomed by the Foundation.

We appreciate that you have a choice of good causes that you could support, so we want to assure you that your contribution will support training, partnerships and professional development programs benefitting the next generation of innovators and leaders in the global subsea, communications industries and internet infrastructure space.

Online donations through the Foundation website

To make an instant donation to the SubOptic Foundation, please scan the QR code, or email the Foundation using the button below

Donations through  

The SubOptic Foundation is registered in the online giving platform Benevity. If you have any questions related to this giving platform, please reach out to

Individuals with access to Benevity, can search for SubOptic Foundation by cause name or by its

Benevity Cause ID 840-861611087.

Employee Contributions
and Company Matching

SubOptic Foundation is eligible for employee giving programs of large employers, making it easy for those employees to give. It is recognised that in some cases companies have a donation matching program for their employees and these can significantly enhance the impact of an individual’s donation.